Monday 20 July 2009

Wish passed her Bronze good citizen.

For the test
You had the dogs ID disc checked, all the details where correct, then we were ask to show we had suitable bags to clear up after our dog, then we showed the examiner how we groomed our dogs and how we checked their ears, eyes and paws. Then we where asked to walk them around the ring in a controlled manner, then we where ask to all have our dogs relaxed next to us on the lead while another student walk in and out of us in a controlled manner, till it was your turn to do the same. We then did a stay in any chosen position for a minute, a naughty pap went to say hello at this point but all the others where happy to stay, we then returned to them with lots of praise before releasing into a game of tuggy.
We then set them up one at a time to do a recall, Wish nailed a perfect recall and happily waited for her lead to be put on. We then showed the examiner a controlled sit before going through a gateway and a lovely sit while we closed the gate. I then had to answer a few questions from the examiner. Then a little wait while the others finished and ask the paps owner to do another stay exercise before he announcing the results.
What a brilliant puppy.

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