Above = Newbury or below Norfolk picture taken on the same day, Newbury was sent to me by friends on FB after I sent them this picture, what a difference a few miles make lol.
Axstane after the thunder storm.
Thank you to Roy & Jill Mathews for the videos. Thank you Charlee Macneil for the pictures
I have been to a show every weekend, Meme is holding her own in grade 5 even has a 3rd place trophy in jumping. Cruz has been much better with his approach to the DW but now has decided to stride the down contact!!!!!BUT i'm happy with his confidence and i'm sure with rubber surface being hired by many shows it has helped him alot. I hope it becomes a thing of the past running over gloss paint. I have now changed my blog name, I have somebody to show you all next week. :-) can't wait.